Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Extra Credit Opportunity

We've been talking a lot about Probability and Chance in our classes over the last few weeks. To earn extra credit in your class, do a web search to find news reports where probability is mentioned (Hint: Stories about weather conditions might be a good place to start).

Post a link in the comments section of this post to get your extra credit. Be sure to include your first name, last initial, and the link to the story.

Homework for the Week of March 29

Mr. Peterson's Class
Monday (3/29): Worksheet - HW Due Tues.
Tuesday (3/30): Worksheet - HW Due Wed.
Wednesday (3/31): Worksheet - HW Due Thur.
Thursday (4/1): How Likely Is It? Review

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Homework for the week of March 22nd

Mrs. Quinones' class
Complete the TAKS handout and the Data About Us Review. Please omit problem 4 from the TAKS handout.
Due: Friday

Mr. Peterson's Class
Due Wednesday: Data About Us Review
Due Thursday: Worksheet - "HW - Due Thursday"
Due Friday: Worksheet - "HW - Due Friday"

Monday, March 8, 2010

Homework for the Week of March 8

Mr. Peterson and Ms. Lawrence's classes
Due Tuesday (3/9): Data About Us - Investigation 3.1 HW
Due Wednesday (3/10: Data About Us - Investigation 3.2 HW

Remember to study your area and perimeter formulas and get a good night's sleep Tuesday night - the next benchmark is this Wednesday (3/10).

Mrs. Quinones' class
Complete the TAKS handout and the Data About Us practice page.
Due: Wednesday

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Homework for the Week of March 3rd

Mrs. Quinones' Class
Complete the Probability and TAKS, week 2 handouts.