Monday, November 30, 2009

Angles All Around Us

Pretty much anywhere you look in the world, you can find some type of angle! Can you think of any angles that you've seen in the everyday world? Click on the "Comment" link to tell us where you've seen them. Also, estimate the approximate measure of the angle you saw. Each student who posts a comment will get five stamps for their group on Tuesday.

Homework for the Week of November 30

Mr. Peterson's Class:
Due Tuesday 12/01: Worksheet 2.1
Due Wednesday 12/02: Worksheet 2.2, Additional Practice, Corrected Quizzes

Mrs. Quinones's Classes:
Questions 1-9 on pages 40-42 of Shapes and Designs

Thursday, November 19, 2009

How much do you know about symmetry?

If you were a little confused about which polygons have reflection symmetry, or if you just want to test your knowledge, try this fun game.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Mysterious Shapes

A triangle has three sides and three angles. A quadrilateral has four sides and four angles. Can you figure out the names of shapes other than the ones we talked about in class? For examples, how many sides does an icosahedron have?
In the comments section, post the name of a polygon (that we didn't talk about in class), and how many sides it has. Each group that has a person comment will get five stamps. Remember: Only post your first name and last initial.

Homework for the Week of November 16

Mr. Peterson's Class
Due Tuesday (11/17/09)
Blue Investigation 1.1 Worksheet

Due Wednesday (11/18/09)
Blue Investigation 1.2 Worksheet
Mrs. Quinones Class
Complete problems 1-5 on page 17 and 6-8 on page 18 of Shapes and Designs. Look at the shapes on page 10 to help answer problems 3 and 4.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Extra Credit Opportunity

Mr. Peterson and Mr. Davis' classes: Click the "Post A Comment" link below and comment on this blog post to get 10 extra points on a quiz or test grade. Make sure to ONLY post your FIRST NAME and LAST INITIAL.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Parent Support: TAKS Informational Booklets

The purpose of the information booklets is to help Texas educators, students, parents, and other stakeholders understand more about the TAKS™ tests. These booklets are not intended to replace the teaching of the TEKS curriculum, provide the basis for the isolated teaching of skills in the form of narrow test preparation, or serve as the single information source about every aspect of the TAKS™ program. However, we believe that the booklets provide helpful explanations as well as show enough sample items, reading and writing selections, and prompts to give educators a good sense of the assessment.

Follow the hyperlink and you will gain access to the TAKS Mathematics, 6th Grade PDF. Make sure your printer settings are at 100% if you decide to print the information booklets. Enjoy!


TUESDAY, 11/10:


Mr. Davis' Class

Tuesday 11/10/2009
Additional Practice: pg 23

Wednesday 11/12/2009
Skill: Fractions and Decimals, pg. 25

Thursday 11/13/2009
Unit Test Part 2- Individual Research Percents in Print.

Mr. Peterson's Class

Tuesday 11/10/2009
Orange Worksheet - Skill: Percents, Fractions, and Decimals

Wednesday 11/12/2009
Pink Worksheet - Bits and Pieces Quick Review

Thursday 11/13/2009
Bits & Pieces I Unit Test

Mr. Davis is In the Building

Wow! We've finally got up and running. Students, teachers parents and friends, welcome to the Math Agenda. We will provide supplemental resources for students and parents here. Hope you enjoy and keep on getting smarter! Here is a short video on how to change a decimal number into a percent. See you in class!

Homework help?

Do you need help with the homework? Post a comment about the problem you are struggling with. I will check the comments and respond.

Fractions, Decimals, and Percents

We've been working lately to convert between fractions, decimals, and percents. This video might help you see how the conversions work.

For help on comparing fractions, try this virtual manipulative.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Homework for the Week of November 2

Mr. Peterson
Due Tuesday 11/03: Worksheet 4.2 (Periods 1-2, 3-4)
Due Thursday 11/05: Worksheet 3.4 (Periods 1-2, 3-4); Ordering Decimals Worksheet (Period 6-7)

Mrs. Quinones
Complete problems 2-6 on pages 61-62 and 20-25 on pages 63-64